External website: https://agenda.infn.it/event/33851
The workshop brought together researchers working in different fields at the interface of physics, mathematics, and machine learning. The speaker selection was designed to offer an overview of different active research topics, which included lattice QFT, string theory, statistical physics, quantum computing on the physics side; probabilistic and stochastic methods, large N expansion, geometry on the mathematics side; deep learning, large language models, generative models on the machine learning side. The talks were pedagogical and served well as an introduction to discussion, helping participants to understand which topics are of interest to others, and which techniques are used. The workshop has been the place of many discussions which bridged across fields. All talks received many questions, and a notable feature was the presence of a large number of younger researchers, which were encouraged to actively participate in all aspects of the workshop.
External website: https://agenda.infn.it/event/33896
The purpose of this interdisciplinary conference was to initiate novel scientific interactions between various fields of mathematics and theoretical physics, with particular emphasis on connections between number theory (modular forms, automorphic forms, mock modular forms) and string theory. The conference featured a series of cross-disciplinary talks and a number of new collaborations were initiated during the conference. The field of amplitudes and modular graph forms played a major role, where deep discussions on higher genus modular graph forms and elliptic zeta values took place. On the other hand, many talks showcased recent developments on the Langlands programme, and its embedding into a new framework inspired by the physics of Hamiltonian G-spaces. In addition, discussions fluorished around topics such as the AdS/CFT correspondence, matrix integrals, Jeffrey-Kirwan residues and automorphic forms on Kac-Moody groups.
External website: https://agenda.infn.it/event/33897
The workshop covered a wide range of important topics related to self-interacting dark matter and dark matter physics in general, including, but not limited to, the latest status of the small-scale issues of cold, collisionless dark matter, novel particle physics model building of dark sectors, state-of-the-art N-body simulations and semi-analytical modeling of structure formation, strong gravitational lensing probes of new dark matter physics, and the latest measurements of stellar components of the Milky Way. The program was deliberately constructed to integrate those different, but interrelated topics in a coherent way. The main outcome of this workshop is summarized in a document titled “View from Pollica: Self-Interacting Dark Matter Models, Simulations and Signals,” which will be submitted to arXiv. It provides a timely overview on the relevant, important topics for researchers who want to get into this exciting research area.
External website: https://agenda.infn.it/event/36165/
There is a long history of fruitful interplay between the study of supersymmetric quantum field theories and topics in contemporary pure mathematics. In recent years this interface has been extremely productive, with points of contact including topics such as (but not exclusive to) vertex algebras, symplectic singularities/moduli spaces of vacua and their quantisations, geometric representation theory and the affine Grassmannian, algebras of BPS states, and modular forms/supersymmetric indices. The workshop on Supersymmetric Quantum Field Theory and Mathematics will bring together both established experts and younger academics from a diverse array of research backgrounds with an interest in the mathematical-physical nexus. It will provide an opportunity for researchers from these different fields to discuss novel results, identify targets for collaborative effort, and exchange ideas for possible future progress in this promising research area.